Saturday, March 10, 2012

Finding Balance

One of my biggest struggles as a parent is to find balance in my life as well as helping our children to do the same. This past week my husband and I were actually out for two different evenings.  This was the first time in almost a year that we had been at an activity without children.  This made me realize that my own life has gotten out of balance.

I discovered a great tool, "The Wheel of Life" that can be used to evaluate the balance in our lives.  To use this, you draw a circle and make an even number of segments. Then label each segment with areas of your life.  Labels may include things like:  health/fitness; family/friends; money/career; partner/marriage; spirituality; fun/relaxation; community service; environment ( house/lawn); or growth and learning. Next you draw a grid of circles inside the wheel in order to rate your satisfaction in each area.  Least satisfaction being closest to the center and more satisfaction towards the outside of the wheel.  When you shade these areas in, you can see what areas you may be neglecting. On the other hand, you might also be putting too much time and energy into some areas.

An unbalanced life can lead to frustration and stress.  Your energy and enthusiasm can be sapped.  This can be true for your children as well.  Are your children spending too much time playing sports?  Maybe at the other extreme, they have too much leisure time that they're spending in front of the TV or computer.  Possibly, they don't have enough family time.   

How do you remedy this for yourself or your family?  You evaluate what you are currently doing and then set goals for what areas you want to change.  Then get organized and schedule so that you are taking time for what is important to you.  However, be flexible when unexpected events arise and don't be afraid to ask for help.  One example is car pooling with other parents to children's pratices.  Finally don't over schedule yourself or your family.

I definately need to adjust my priorities.  I realize that time spent with my  children and community service has actually been pulling my own life out of balance.  Hopefully, by taking my own advice, I can restructure my time, thus living a life that is more in balance.

1 comment:

  1. great post cindy!! this is a great lesson for anyone--family, kids, or not! i struggle w/ this continually as a human being!! i think i might make a life wheel b/c i know for sure that lately: work has been ruling my life and there are some that are less than thrilled :)
